Mixed train.
A Class 4MT Standard tank 80036 approaching the station with a short mixed
train of two Maunsell coaches and two fish vans.

At the outer home.
The Standard 4 tank is about to pass the Penhallick outer home signals.

Foreign visitors.
57xx Class pannier tank 4694 with Western Region coaching stock approaches
Penhallick on the Southern line.

Spamcan by the beach.
Bulleid West Country Class light pacific 34002 Salisbury passing the
beach with Maunsell three set 329.

Close up of 34002 Salisbury.
Close up of 34002 Salisbury.

Steam meets diesel.
Maunsell U1 Class mogul 31902 approaching Penhallick as a DMU waits on the
Western line for small prairie 4571 with goods to clear the single line.