Example Form

If you fill in this form and click on "Click to Submit" you won't send it anywhere as it doesn't have the address to mail to! I suggest you save this page as "FORM.HTML" then load it into a text editor (e.g. Notepad) and enter your own e-mail address in the line below this paragraph after MAILTO: and before the final ">, then save the file once again. Now if you re-load the form, fill it in and click on "Click to Submit" you will then receive the results of the Example Form in your e-mail box.

Please fill in your name below:

And now your address:

Please type any password below:

Check the box if you think this tutorial is helpful:

Check this box if you have difficulty following the tutorial:

Select one of the following:
I am a complete novice at HTML
I have some knowledge of HTML
I know a lot about HTML so this is very easy for me!

Are you happy with the input? If not, then click here and start again:

If you are happy with the form, click here to mail it:

Now all we need to know is how to deal with the resulting mailing.

Decoding the Input

The last thing left to cover here is what do you do when you receive the data in your e-mail box? Well, there are various scripts etc. that can be used but for a relatively simple form all that is needed is a text editor. The data will arrive in one long stream, separated by unwanted characters so all that needs to be done is to load the file into a text editor, use "Find and Replace" on the unwanted characters (replacing them with a blank space) and then maybe a few hits of the "Return" key to break it up into shorter lines. For example, Let's say the example form linked from the next paragraph is filled in thus:

Name: Fred Smith
Address: Home Farm
Password: smith
Tutorial: Checked
Difficulty: Not checked
Radio Buttons: Novice selected

This produced a mailing (all in one long line) of: NAME=Fred+Smith&ADDRESS=Home+Farm%0D%0ATresmithy%0D%0ASmithshire%0D%0A&PASSWORD=smith&HELPFUL%3F=Helpful&EXPERIENCE=Novice

This can then be edited to:-
NAME=Fred Smith ADDRESS=Home Farm      Tresmithy      Smithshire PASSWORD=smith HELPFUL   =Helpful EXPERIENCE=Novice

Which easily becomes:-
NAME=Fred Smith